Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We all need a break from time to time.

What do you do to unwind?

Some folks like to do nothing. You know... sit on the couch and watch television.

Others like to have a few drinks. Nothing wrong with that.
Others curl up with a good book - such as my wife.
Bike riding. Canoeing. Fishing. Running. Lifting Weights. Cross-stitch. Scrap booking. Drawing or painting.
Your mileage may vary.

Mine is a little more violent than most.

I like to get out to the range.

The name of my range is PSC.
Few things relax me like the smell of gun powder and the gentle nudge of a small carbine on my shoulder.

Yeah.... I'm weird that way.

Don't misunderstand. I like getting away with my wife and my family. It's a real treat to get away with just my wife. But that takes planning, and it is very expensive.

But when I have had a stressful week, the quickest fix is a trip to the range. In less than an hour, I am good as new.

Maybe it's the rebel in me. Maybe it's just the thick Texan blood.... but I like running my pistol through it's paces and testing my speed and accuracy. I also like poking small holes in pieces of paper that are reeeaaallly far away.

Most folks don't understand this. Many will scratch their heads and fear for their safety. Don't worry. There is no need to lock up your daughters. Not on my account.

But some of you out there understand. If you don't understand, and you would like to understand, find and join your local range. You won't meet a nicer group of people, and you will be shocked at how much fun you can have.

And yes, it's totally safe (as safe as you are).
(You can view photos of my vice here. )
Take some time out. Find something you like to do, and do it. Everyone will benefit as a result.

So -
Whattayudo? Go Dowatchadoo.

1 comment:

  1. You're so funny. A big kid with his big boy toys. Instead of water guns it's real guns. :)And you're not chasing other people with them. Hey, I'm glad you have them. It's crazy out in the world today.

    FYI, guns don't make good Valentine's Day gifts. Yeah.

    What do I do? I like a good hike or go paddling. Reading is also relaxing unless I have to do it for a test.

    Love ya, Chuck. :)
