Thursday, April 2, 2009

This Might Sting A Little....

Today was certainly one of those days.

I woke up late, which put me to work just after six a.m.
Parked the truck, walked into the building, and waited forever for an elevator. A large group of people gathered in the lobby waiting for the same elevator.

No one in this office building is very friendly in the morning. I try to greet everyone I see with a lively, "Good Morning!", and too many people just frown back. I always answer that scowl with a loud, "Apparently not for you", reply.

I get to my office entrance and realize that I had left my badge (the one that grants access to my office) in my truck, which was in the parking, which was now being pelted with heavy rain.

Nice. No umbrella.

Back into the elevator. Sprint to the truck, grab the badge, sprint back to the building.
The rain, which was once coming down really good, has now stopped. Just in time for me to reach cover.

I spend about an hour or so at this office, but not much longer. I have to attend a couple of meetings at another office. So, at 8:45, I walk back out to the truck (raining once again), and drive to the other office. I'm about five minutes late for my meeting.

Walking into the meeting, I pass a co-worker in the hall. She smiles and greets me with, "Good Morning! What's that on your shirt?"
"My shirt? What....?"

This office is in Texas City. There are many, many seagulls in Texas City. Apparently, one had a target for me.

Real nice.

The meeting went well. We broke just in time for lunch. My boss was coming in for the next meeting, and he decided to spring for lunch.
I can deal with that.

The meeting he came in for was a fairly important meeting, and I had not planned on attending. But he insisted that I attend. I am glad that I did, but I had to leave early because I had a six week follow up appointment with my surgeon regarding the neck surgery I had in February.

I didn't leave the meeting in time to make the appointment when it was scheduled. Traffic was quite heavy, and I arrived at my doctor's office two minutes late - I hate being late.

Unfortunately, the doctor was also running late. So I had to wait for about an hour. I finally got in, received some good news, and was sent on my way.

But - while I was making my three month follow up appointment, my cell phone rang. It was my lovely wife. I sent the call to voice mail so I could finish talking to the nurse. Kelly called back immediately, so I answered it with, "I am paying my bill, let me call you right back".

To which she replied, "NO! Be quiet and listen to me. Charlie hit his head on the tailgate of the van. He's split his head open. We are on our way to the emergency room."


Kelly does NOT do blood well.
One time a few years back, she went to our G.P. for a physical. They had to draw blood. Kelly went to the bathroom right after they took the blood, and I was sitting in a room that was down the hall from the bathroom. I watched her walk in, then I heard, "Bang! THUMP!", and Kelly tumbled into the hallway. She had passed out because she was thinking about the blood that was drawn.

Now she had to tend to Charlie as the doc in the ER was stitching up his head.
If you know anything about head wounds, you know that they bleed like crazy. I think Kelly would rather watch two weeks of The View than deal with a wound that required stitches.

Charlie's wound didn't require stitches. It required staples. Four of them.

By the time I got to the hospital, the stapling was complete. The doctor brought me to the room, and when I opened the door, I saw Charlie laying on a table that was covered with a white cloth. The cloth was soaked (and not with water). His hair was caked, and he looked pretty scared. Kelly looked relieved. She shuffled back to a chair and sat down, letting out a long sigh. Charlie was still scared, but he got better.

The doctor explained what he did, and invited Kelly over to see the work he had done. Kelly blanched. "Not good for her", I said the doc. "But I sure would like to see!"

So, we received our instructions from the doctor, and we were advised of what we should observe regarding Charlie's behavior, and we went on our way.

Now in ten days, we take Charlie to his doc to have the staples removed.

Sadly, Charlie was scheduled to go and see his cousin in the Beaumont area and attend the South East Texas State Fair. He will not be able to go because of his wound. I really wish he had paid attention to what he was doing in the parking lot - poor kid. In fact, as we were leaving the hospital, he told me, "I think I will start listening now".

See? There is a silver lining in every cloud.


  1. Today totally sucked. I was so relieved to see you today. You were truly my knight in shining armor.
    Sorry about the bird poop on you. Some days you're the pigeon; some days you're the statue.

  2. Chuck,
    Why do you think your new CZ was having a problem dropping the magazine? Are you going to solve the problem or will you take that glich to your gunsmith? I'll be interested to hear future developments on this glich.
